Award-winning garden designer

Award winning garden designer

Elegant & Timeless Garden Design

As an award-winning garden designer in Bedfordshire, Amber Hine and her team are passionate about curating outdoor spaces to inspire and engage, whilst perfectly complementing your home. Tailored to your needs and preferences, your beautiful new garden will be a luxuriant space where you and your family can relax, entertain, and make precious memories, surrounded by elegance and an abundance of natural beauty. With a wealth of knowledge from plants to sustainable materials, we use carefully considered landscape and spatial design, garden features and our wide experience to craft an abundant habitat for you and local wildlife. Based in Bedfordshire, RHS-trained garden designer Amber Hine has created and classic and modern gardens for homes, businesses and public places across Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and the surrounding areas.

rosa generous gardener and salvia nemorosa caradonna

Garden lighting design extends the use of this Bedfordshire garden, curating the night-time view from the home.

We specialise in working with-

People Our clients are at the centre of everything we do. Inspired by your lifestyle and your taste, we tailor unique outdoor spaces to be a stunning backdrop for your home. Seamlessly weaving together classic and contemporary landscaping, balancing colour palettes, and creating private sanctuary's to relax in, our garden designs create multi-layered spaces with the perfect atmosphere to entertain, relax, and enjoy those precious moments surrounded by natural beauty.

Places Elegant landscape design, abundant planting and floral layouts, lighting and natural materials, create our garden designs bringing the best out of any outdoor space, so you can feel richly connected to your home in a new way. Weather you have a simple space or a conservation grade listed site with multiple layers, we create places and spaces that reflect you, your home and your location.

Environment We create abundant spaces that promote biodiversity and offer a safe place for wildlife and you to thrive. Each garden we design works alongside sustainable principals celebrating the natural world and your connection with it. By enhancing the natural diversity and ecology of you garden it will become a refuge for all manor of wildlife native to your local environments such as Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire.

We create abundant gardens for clients that-

• Don’t know where to start, and want the expert guidance of an experienced team.

• Want to bring wildlife, sustainability and diversity into their environment.

• Want to improve their lifestyles through creating their perfect garden at home, which can be enjoyed all year round and everyday from the morning tea/coffee, lunch through to the evening.

• Want to bring a sense of majesty to their homes through the seasons- whether you’re hosting family and friends, or lost in thought in your own private sanctuary of delight.

Recently Featured in:

rosa generous gardener and salvia nemorosa caradonna

rosa generous gardener and salvia nemorosa caradonna

rosa generous gardener and salvia nemorosa caradonna

rosa generous gardener and salvia nemorosa caradonna

Words form our clients:

"We decided to use a garden designer as we don't know enough about plants, what they like and where they should go, and also how to put them together. ... I had no understanding of how involved the process would be but Amber's knowledge, professionalism and enthusiasm has made working with her an absolute pleasure."

-G Telford

To find out how we can help create

your dream garden
contact us by clicking here

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bistro seat for two in garden

An early morning coffee spot carefully positioned to start the day in a beautiful new garden.

Words form our clients:

"Amber did a fantastic job of developing and incorporating our ideas and transforming our front and rear gardens, from what were a small barren cobbled front yard and a rear concrete car park, to spaces of peace, beauty and tranquillity."

-M Remon

Take a look at our previous Garden Design Projects here:


Our Garden Design Process

While tailoring each garden to your lifestyle and your home, we follow a process that allows for flexibility and endless creativity. From initial idea to completion, our lead landscape and garden designer Amber Hine works with her team, drawing from a wealth of horticultural knowledge, design principles and inspiration to craft exquisite gardens that are both practical, and nourishing to the soul. Starting with a series of conversations, we gather detailed knowledge of your vision for the design of your new garden, listening carefully to your concerns and beginning the process of developing your new garden design.

After a survey of the site is complete, our garden design process brings us to a selection of layout drawings before checking in with you to ensure that you are happy with the garden design plan and direction. Our landscape design moves towards a final master plan where we discuss this with you before working with a landscaping company to bring your new garden design to life. Once your beautiful new and abundant garden is ready, we offer personalised advice on nurturing your plants all year round, so they mature to their full potential.

Learn more about our process here:

Garden Design Process

Garden Design Projects

Explore our selection of landscape design projects we have completed from Buckinghamshire to Northamptonshire to London. Large and small gardens, as well as public spaces and award-winning show gardens are among our favourite projects.


bistro seat for two in garden

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The Thymes

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Events, Workshops and Programs

We share our specialist knowledge through Events, Workshops, Programs and event talks to various specialist interest groups.

See our upcoming events here:

Events, Programs

& Workshops

We are very proud to have developed a program to walk through designing your own garden directly with Amber. This program sits firm in our principals and beliefs that everyone can have a garden that they love and works for them.

Read more and check out the next program start dates here:

Patch to Paradise

Planning your new garden, get in contact here:

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