15 Plant's for pollinators
These are some of my favourite plant's to use for attracting pollinators to your garden

This is Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna', one of my favourite plants for pollinator's and gardener's alike! It repeat flowers and is alwyas covered in bee's when it blooms!

This is Thymus Coccineus Group. Thymes come in a few different shape's and sizes, but their flowers are always popular with Bee's and this one is a ground cover plant, which ofcourse makes it useful for the gardener as well!

Always popular with polinator's, on this occasion with a Painted Lady Butterfly. This is also a later flowering shrub, so it's great for extending the season for your garden wildlife.

This Geranium 'Rozanne'. There are a great many geraniums that help out pollinator's but I chose this one because of its blue blooms. Bee's see the blue colour spectrum best and so will be most attracted to the blue and purple blooms in your garden

This is Verbascum chaixii 'Album' and it is often covered in Hover Flies in my garden, as well as a variety of bees. Not only that, if cut back early enough after blooming it will repeat flower for you.

This is Knautia macedonica, but there are other colour's out there if this is not to your taste, personally I love the rich colour of these cerise blooms, as do the bees! This plant can also flower for months, right up until the more severe frosts.

Well know for attracting pollinator's, Lavender needs well draining soil in full sun to do it's best, and a sympathetic approach to pruning. So it can be a bit tricky, but its so popular with Wildlife I couldn't not include it!

Daphne's may seem a strange one, but at that early time of the year when they flower they can be a rich source of food for our pollinator's at a time of scarcity- added bonus they smell divine!

This is Echinacea 'White Swan' topped with a Comma butterfly. These cone flower's are often visited by a variety of pollinator's including bees.

This is Eryngium yuccifolium, and it is being visited by soldier beetles, who also do a good deal of pollinating for us, whilst munching on garden pests such as aphids as well!

This is Verbena bonariensis, a lovely self seeder providing hieght at the back of the border as well as food for pollinator's, including this Comma butterfly.

This is Origanum 'Rosenkuppel', an ornamental oregano, beloved by pollinators and a striking attractive flowering herbaceous perennial.

This is Malus floribunda, a crab apple who's fruit is so small you will barely notice it, but it is covered in bee's during the blossom season- perfect for a small garden tree.

This is Allium sphaerocephalon, a late season Allium, that looks fabulous paired with grasses, visited here by a Moth- moth's are not often credited as well as they should be for the pollinating they do in our gardens. He's a lovely chap!

Napeta is a great plant for pollinator's, with its lavender blue flower spikes often repeat flowering and attracting a variety of bee's.
- Amber Hine
Take a glance at our Show Garden from 2020 at Belvoir Castle for more wildlife and pollinator friendly ideas